Kindergarten & Preschool Registration for 2019-2020 NOW OPEN!
Registration for kindergarten students for the 2019-2020 school year opened on Tuesday, January 22, 2019.
This registration opportunity is for youngsters who live within the P-H-M district and who will be five-years-old on or before September 1, 2019.
Registration for Horizon Elementary will take place during the hours of 7:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. A parent or guardian must appear in person to register their child.
Click here for more registration forms and more details on P-H-M Kindergarten Registration.
Penn-Harris-Madison also operates two preschool programs: Early Learning Academy (ELA) and Penn PALS. Horizon is home to the Early Learning Academy.
Click here to learn more about ELA and to download a registration form. Registration for the 2019-20 school year opens Tuesday, Jan. 22, 2019.
Click here to learn more about Penn PALS and download a registration form. Registration for the 2019-20 school year opens Monday, March 11, 2019.
For all 5th grade parents–Discovery Orientation information
Parents of 5th graders—
Discovery has provided us with a list of important dates for you as your children transition from Elementary to Middle School. If you are not already, we encourage you to familiarize yourself with the Discovery Middle School website so that you will not miss an important date or activity.
Horizon students will meet with students from Discovery on February 13 during the school day. That night , parents will have an opportunity to heard from Mrs. Harper and Mr. Kauffman about what your students will expect and you will have your questions answered at that time.
Once again, here is the list of important dates for you to prepare for this milestone in your child’s educational career.
2019-2020 P-H-M School Calendar is released
The first day for students of the 2019-2020 school year is Wednesday, August 21, 2019 and the last day for students is Wednesday, June 3, 2020.
Other important dates include:
- September 2, 2019: Recess Day – Labor Day
- October 25 & 28, 2019: Fall Recess Days
- November 5, 2019: Recess Day – General Election
- November 27-29, 2019: Thanksgiving Recess Days
- December 23-Jan. 3, 2020: Winter Break
- January 20, 2020: Recess Day – Martin Luther King Jr. Day
- February 17, 2020: Recess Day – Presidents’ Day
- April 6-10, 2020: Spring Break
- May 5, 2020: Recess Day – Primary Election
- May 25, 2020: Recess Day – Memorial Day
Click here for a one-page pdf copy of the 2019-2020 school year calendar.
If you need copies of the 2018-2019 school year and activity calendars, please click here.
Vocational Options and Saving for College
Discovery Middle School PTO in Partnership with Discovery Middle School presents “An Evening of Vocational Options and Saving for College.”
Please join us at Discovery Middle School for presentations about the College Savings 529 Plan and by Elkhart Area Career Center. The programs at the EACC are available to Penn High School students. A complete listing of classes and programs are outline in the Penn High School Program of Studies—just use the “Cntrl F” function to search for the Elkhart Area Career Center.
Monday, February 11, 2019, 7:00 p.m. at Discovery Middle School.
Winter Parties 2018
Today the students at Horizon celebrated with Winter Parties. These were grade level celebrations in their Extended Learning Area that included movie and popcorn.
Kindergartners were in the LGI. Volunteers served popcorn and water, and Santa stopped by with a small gift for each child sometime throughout the party.
The day was themed as PJ Day. Students and Teachers alike were dressed in their finest sleepwear.
Penn Robotics Team 135 Offering Winter Workshops
Penn Robotics Team 135 is once again holding workshops for 1st - 8th grade students over two days of Winter Recess (Thurs., Dec. 27 & Friday, Dec. 28).
Creative Workshop 8:00 AM – 10:00 AM
Suggested Age: 1st - 3rd graders. Price: $80.00. A camp that stretches the creative mind! Students are given a design challenge to complete over the course of two days. Students will be using K’NEX to build a solution to the stated problem. They will be on teams that will design, create, and improve upon their concept. While having fun in an exciting environment, the emphasis is always on the process of design to build, while always improving on previous ideas! On Friday students will have the opportunity to test their concepts against the other teams within the workshop. Parents are also welcome to attend the Parent Show which will take place the last 15 minutes of the workshop on the December 28th. High school robotics students will be mentors during these two days of fun!
Applied Workshop 10:30 AM – 12:30 PM
Suggested Age: 4th – 8th graders. Price: $80.00. This camp is geared towards students who want to expand their knowledge in designing and manufacturing! This workshop is also geared towards students who can follow instructions and are comfortable behind computer software. Over the two days, students will be designing 3D parts on the computer that can be brought to life with many CNC Machines. Students will have the opportunity to use the 3D printer, CNC Laser Cutter, the CNC Router, and many other tools/machines in the Penn Robotics Lab! High school students will be mentoring and helping students with their 3D computer designs and machining their parts.
Click here to sign-up and pay online today!
Winter Guard Call-Out November 27 at Bittersweet Elementary
Do you like to dance? Do you want to learn how to spin a flag? Do you like to perform?
All levels are welcome to come to the Penn Winter Guard Call-Out at Bittersweet Elementary School (next to Penn HS). The call-out will be on Tuesday, November 27th at 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Girls and boys, grades 4-12, will be accepted.
Come be a part of this incredible performing arts group!
Horizon Receives “A” Rating
The IDOE released the 2017-18 Accountability grades on Wednesday, November 14 and once again the Indiana Department of Education has recognized the Penn-Harris-Madison School Corporation as an “A” rated school district! Along with the district’s “A” rating, Horizon Elementary and six other schools also received “A” letter grades:
- Elsie Rogers Elementary School
- Moran Elementary School
- Northpoint Elementary School
- Prairie Vista Elementary School
- Discovery Middle School
- Penn High School
P-H-M has received an “A” rating every year since 2011—making this the seventh consecutive year!
Overall, nearly 64 percent of Indiana Schools received an A or B. For more information on and to view the 2017-18 School Accountability Grades, please click here to visit the IDOE website. For more information on Horizon’s rating and 2017-18 ISTEP+ scores, please click here.
Penn-Harris-Madison School Corporation serves more than 11,100 students in 11 elementary schools, three middle schools and Penn High School. With the release of the Spring 2018 ISTEP+ results, Penn-Harris-Madison School Corporation ranks in the state’s Top 5% of public school districts for grade 10 ISTEP+ results and in the Top 6% for grades 3-8.
Horizon is in the Top 25, at #21, of the state’s public schools! Discovery ranks #3 out of the state’s public middle schools.
Penn High School ranks in the Top 5% of all Indiana public high schools and has a 97% graduation rate, exceeding the state’s graduation rate.
P-H-M’s “Triangle of Success” connects students, teachers and parents for excellence in education.
Boardwalk on Brummitt Groundbreaking
In the on-going, continued effort to make our playgrounds more accessible to all students (with or without disabilities) Horizon teacher Joann Hartline came up with the idea to build a boardwalk that would connect the schools two playgrounds (one playground is in the front of the school, the other is behind). Today was the groundbreaking for “Broadway on Brummitt” was held and all of Horizon’s students and staff were included in the festivities. Click to see the photo gallery below.
Spring of 2018, Horizon Principal Tressa Decker reached out to Penn High School’s STEM Academy faculty to see if Penn students could help develop the plans for “Boardwalk on Brummitt.” STEM Academy students are designing the boardwalk as well as constructing it. The students have already begun building sections of the boardwalk, which will also feature a gazebo. When construction is complete, Penn agriculture students will be involved with planning the landscaping design. The goal is to have the project completed in 2019.
Students will be participating in Penny Wars and other fundraising activities to help raise money for the project.
Horizon Elementary is grateful to United Federal Credit Union (UFCU), which is donating $3,000 towards the purchase of the gazebo; to Home Depot for donation of building materials, such as shingles for the gazebo roof; and to the University of Notre Dame Project Management students, led by faculty member Sharon Hayward, who are assisting Horizon in the scope and management of the project.
To download high resolution jpg files from the photo gallery below, just simply click the “DOWNLOAD” button on the bottom right-hand corner of the photo while viewing it in the Photo Gallery function.
October Student of the Month
Student of the Month is a great way for the teachers to show how much they appreciate and respect students that live out the lifelines that we try to instill in them.
The teachers in each grade level, select one student (at times more than 1) each month from their classrooms that model the chosen lifeline(s) for that month.
October’s Lifelines were: Awareness and Empathy.
Awareness is the ability to directly know and perceive, to feel, or to be cognizant of events. Students who model this lifeline understand the world around them and are attentive to what they have to do .
Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another. Students who model this lifeline are able to “put themselves in another’s shoes”. They seem to understand how someone else feels.
Therein lies the beauty of these awards: it doesn't have anything to do with grades or accomplishments. It shows how important it is to “be yourself”.
Here are your October Students of the Month:
Grade 1
Grade 2:
Grade 3:
Grade 4:
Grade 5: