Reading is the ticket to the Greatest Show on Earth!

Posted on August 21, 2024

Horizon Elementary rolled out the red carpet, complete with a “Big Top” for their circus theme to welcome students back for the new school year.

giving student high 5

The reason for the circus welcome back is because the theme of this school year is “Reading is the ticket to the Greatest Show on Earth.” The idea is to show students that reading for fun can take students anywhere they want to go!

strongman poses with students

Students were greeted by a ringmaster, strongman and a stilt walker, all adding to the festive atmosphere. The highlight of the morning came when 4th Grade teacher Julia Rulli amazed her students with her incredible acrobatic skills, leaving students and staff in awe.

Horizon’s creative approach aims to make learning an exciting adventure from day one. Don’t miss the video of the event, especially Rulli’s performance! πŸŽͺπŸ€Έβ€β™€οΈ #PHMExcellence

Last Modified August 21, 2024