Mrs. Rulli wins PHM Impact Award
Posted on March 5, 2024All teachers make an impact on their students. At P-H-M we honor those teachers whose students have improved academically with the P-H-M Impact Award. This semester, Superintendent Dr. Jerry Thacker is visiting schools and surprising teachers whose students had significant First Semester growth.
Today Dr. Thacker, Assistant Superintendent Dr. Heather Short, Director of Literacy Ryan Towner, and the Executive Director of the P-H-M Education Foundation Jennifer Turnbloom stopped by Horizon Elementary to surprise 4th grade teacher Julia Rulli. Click to see the photo gallery of today’s surprise announcement.
Mrs. Rulli’s students had the district’s highest movement/growth in ELA of 4th grade students—those who were below proficiency in Clear Sight! It may have something to do with Mrs. Rulli showing her students love and support. Click here to read a story about how she makes her students feel loved.
The Impact Awards were first handed out in September 2023 to teachers with the most significant overall student growth during the 2022-2023 school year.
Thank you to the PHMEF for covering the cost of the awards for purchasing the beautiful crystal awards given to the teacher award recipients.
Last Modified March 5, 2024