Indiana Graduates Prepared to Succeed Dashboard (GPS) Launches
Posted on December 16, 2022Penn-Harris-Madison schools are focused on continuous academic improvement that results in academic success for all students.
Standardized testing, or summative assessment, is one measure of academic success, but it is not the only measure.
In pursuit of providing more comprehensive analysis and to expand upon the data provided by state standardized tests, the Indiana Department of Education publicly launched this week (Tuesday, December 13, 2022) the first iteration of the Indiana Graduates Prepared to Succeed dashboard, or Indiana GPS (click here to view the State Indiana profile).
The description of the Indiana GPS dashboard on the IDOE website states “Together, our mission is to empower Indiana’s educators, families, communities, and employers with a learner-centered, future-focused dashboard that displays how our students are building the necessary knowledge and skills—in all grades and in all schools— through the Indiana Graduates Prepared to Succeed dashboard, or Indiana GPS.”
The IDOE’s goal is to support Indiana’s goal to educate and graduate Hoosier students who can compete in the global economy. P-H-M supports this goal. Students whether they are going on into higher education, directly into the workforce or enlisting in our nation’s military must be prepared to be successful in life beyond high school. Strong and valuable education of today’s youth results in a knowledgeable and skilled adult Indiana workforce for tomorrow.
A student’s access to early education is an essential first step in their academic and overall development. Measuring kindergarten readiness, as well as a student’s PreK-2 literacy progress can provide key indicators of future success across the K-12 continuum.
We know that effective literacy skills play a vital role in helping students gain a deeper understanding of the world, explore topics in-depth, and seek credible information. At Penn-Harris-Madison, we have a well-articulated approach to teaching literacy based on the five critical pillars: phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension.
All of these components woven together help create a skilled reader. Our daily literacy block incorporates whole-group instruction, small-group (leveled) instruction, explicit phonics instruction, and vocabulary building.
Our teachers have been trained in order to deliver high-quality instruction that is supported through curriculum resources to meet the needs of all learners. Teachers are in regular contact with parents regarding their student’s progress and instructional goals.
At the elementary level, a couple of the indicators the GPS dashboard measures are early literacy and math growth. See some of P-H-M’s highlights are below; click here to view the full P-H-M GPS profile.
Early Literacy Measures
- Percentage of PHM 3rd graders showing proficiency on IREAD-3: 88.3%
- State Goal: 95% by 2027
- Current State Status: 81.6%, 1 out of every 5 third graders in Indiana is not proficient in key literacy skills
Students who pass the IREAD-3 assessment by grade three are roughly 35% more likely to graduate high school (as referenced on the GPS information webpage).
Math Growth
- Percentage of PHM 6th graders meeting their individual growth targets on the math ILEARN: 41.9%
- State Goal: 45.8% by 2030
- Current State Status: 34.1% of Indiana sixth graders are meeting their math growth goals
Early mathematics instruction focuses on concrete concepts before transitioning to more complex ideas after grade six. Students who are meeting growth goals at this critical juncture have a leg up on future math and science learning.
Graduation Pathways Completion
While still in its first iteration, the goal of the GPS is to examine Indiana high school’s graduation and post-graduation data with the goal to ultimately measure long-term success of each Hoosier.
- Percentage of Penn Students who complete graduation requirements: 97.3%
- State Goal: 95% by 2030
- Current State Status: 86.4% of Indiana students complete their graduation requirements
- Percentage of Penn Seniors who completed advanced coursework (Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate, or Dual Credit) during high school: 75.4%
- Current State Status: 59.5% of Indiana students complete advanced coursework
- Percentage of Penn Seniors earning Indiana Diplomas above a General designation (Core 40 or higher): 98.3%
- Current State Status: 90.1% of Indiana students earn Core 40 diplomas or higher
- Percentage of Penn Seniors earning high quality college and career credentials: 11.3%.
Members of the Class of 2021 who earned either an Indiana College Core (ICC) or an Associates Degree was 11.3%–the graduates who completed one or two years of college were members of Penn’s Early College Academy. In 2021, Penn High School ranked FIRST in the state with the highest number of students earning the Indiana College Core (ICC)! Beginning in the 2023-2024 school year, non-Early College students will also be able to pursue an ICC Certificate.- State Goal: 60% by 2030
- Current State Status: 5% of Indiana students earn a college or career credential before graduation, opening doors of future opportunity
Increased education levels are positively correlated to labor participation, wages, and overall net worth.
The second iteration of the Indiana GPS dashboard – which will display all local data, including longitudinal and disaggregated data – is coming soon. Later in 2023, schools will be able to use the dashboard to view authenticated student-level data (not available to the public).
- PreK-Grade 2 Literacy – Percentage of PreK-Grade 2 students demonstrating progress in essential early reading skills from one year to the next.
- Kindergarten Readiness – Percentage of students demonstrating the skills necessary to be considered ready to start kindergarten.
- Employment & Enrollment – Percentage of high school graduates employed or enrolled 1 year after their expected graduation year. Goal TBD.
Click here to learn more about the Indiana Graduates Prepared to Succeed dashboard.
Click here to view the full P-H-M GPS profile (scroll to the bottom of the webpage to find links to all 15 P-H-M schools–11 elementary schools, 3 middle schools, and Penn High Schoo
Last Modified December 19, 2022